Gail’s Story – American Heart Association – TV

by Taylor McMahon, October 6, 2022

Every 40 seconds, a loved one has a heart attack or stroke.

In the latest PSA from the American Heart Association, you will hear Gail’s story. Gail was a young journalist and starting a family when she went into sudden cardiac arrest. Her coworkers sprang into action performing lifesaving CPR protocols developed by the American Heart Association. Their training kept Gail alive.

Every 40 seconds, a loved one has a heart attack or stroke.

In the latest PSA from the American Heart Association, you will hear Gail’s story. Gail was a young journalist and starting a family when she went into sudden cardiac arrest. Her coworkers sprang into action performing lifesaving CPR protocols developed by the American Heart Association. Their training kept Gail alive.

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