I Can Dream – St. Joseph’s Indian School – TV

by Taylor McMahon, June 13, 2022

For Native American children living in poverty, opportunities are few and far between.

Native American students in South Dakota graduate high school in four years at a rate of 45%. Yet, students at St. Joseph’s Indian School are pursuing their dreams and beating those odds. Students enrolled at St. Joseph’s graduate at a rate of 96%.

St. Joseph’s provides Native American children with the best chance to dream and succeed at becoming a nurse, honoring their culture, learning to play music, and so much more.

Air St. Joseph’s new PSA today to show how St. Joseph’s has Native American students saying, ‘I Can Dream’.

For Native American children living in poverty, opportunities are few and far between.

Native American students in South Dakota graduate high school in four years at a rate of 45%. Yet, students at St. Joseph’s Indian School are pursuing their dreams and beating those odds. Students enrolled at St. Joseph’s graduate at a rate of 96%.

St. Joseph’s provides Native American children with the best chance to dream and succeed at becoming a nurse, honoring their culture, learning to play music, and so much more.

Air St. Joseph’s new PSA today to show how St. Joseph’s has Native American students saying, ‘I Can Dream’.

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