In this touching PSA, meet Maria, a mother, whose seemingly normal pregnancy took an unexpected turn when her daughter, Maya, was born with a dislocated hip, posing potential health implications. Through the unwavering support and expertise of Shriners Children’s, Maya received the specialized care that she urgently needed. Today, thanks to Shriners Children’s, Maya thrives, walking confidently, and embracing a life filled with opportunities.
Air Maria and Maya today and become a beacon of hope alongside Shriners Children’s, ensuring every child and family, regardless of their ability to pay, receives the specialized care needed to live life to the fullest.
In this touching PSA, meet Maria, a mother, whose seemingly normal pregnancy took an unexpected turn when her daughter, Maya, was born with a dislocated hip, posing potential health implications. Through the unwavering support and expertise of Shriners Children’s, Maya received the specialized care that she urgently needed. Today, thanks to Shriners Children’s, Maya thrives, walking confidently, and embracing a life filled with opportunities.
Air Maria and Maya today and become a beacon of hope alongside Shriners Children’s, ensuring every child and family, regardless of their ability to pay, receives the specialized care needed to live life to the fullest.