Seima lives with her family in a floating village in an isolated area of Cambodia. More than 1 million people live in these floating villages. The village also has a floating pre-school, which Seima loves.
At the school, Seima and her classmates learn to read, sing and count. Save the Children trains teachers, provides teaching materials and pays to help rebuild the school, which is needed every year due to the high water. Seima dreams of becoming a teacher one day.
Seima lives with her family in a floating village in an isolated area of Cambodia. More than 1 million people live in these floating villages. The village also has a floating pre-school, which Seima loves.
At the school, Seima and her classmates learn to read, sing and count. Save the Children trains teachers, provides teaching materials and pays to help rebuild the school, which is needed every year due to the high water. Seima dreams of becoming a teacher one day.