Together We Are UnstoppABLE: Inspiring – TV – PVA

by Taylor McMahon, February 8, 2019

Paralyzed Veterans of America celebrates the indomitable spirit of Veterans with spinal cord injury and disease with a new series of upbeat and inspiring public service announcements, Together We Are UnstoppABLE.

The Inspiring PSA features interviews with Veterans who have been encouraged to be UnstoppABLE thanks to Paralyzed Veterans of America.

The PSAs seek to inspire other people with disabilities and demonstrate how innovative Paralyzed Veterans of America programs empower Veterans, help them transcend adversity and conquer challenges throughout their lives.

Paralyzed Veterans of America celebrates the indomitable spirit of Veterans with spinal cord injury and disease with a new series of upbeat and inspiring public service announcements, Together We Are UnstoppABLE.

The Inspiring PSA features interviews with Veterans who have been encouraged to be UnstoppABLE thanks to Paralyzed Veterans of America.

The PSAs seek to inspire other people with disabilities and demonstrate how innovative Paralyzed Veterans of America programs empower Veterans, help them transcend adversity and conquer challenges throughout their lives.

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