¡Viva Shriners!  – Shriners Hospitals for Children – Radio

by Taylor McMahon, May 30, 2023
Spanish Language Creative

We all enjoy seeing children running, playing, and hugging their family. But for some children with specialty conditions, these simple acts seem impossible. For over 100 years, Shriners Hospital for Children has been working to change that with innovative pediatric specialty care, world-class research, and outstanding medical education.

Air ¡Viva Shriners! today and help Shriners Hospitals for Children change the lives of children in your community. When you do you may just help a family find the life-changing care they need.

Spanish Language Creative

We all enjoy seeing children running, playing, and hugging their family. But for some children with specialty conditions, these simple acts seem impossible. For over 100 years, Shriners Hospital for Children has been working to change that with innovative pediatric specialty care, world-class research, and outstanding medical education.

Air ¡Viva Shriners! today and help Shriners Hospitals for Children change the lives of children in your community. When you do you may just help a family find the life-changing care they need.

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